John Briggs Books

And yours, too!

Big Biography

Big Biography is a series of middle-grade books from independent publisher Atombank Books. It focuses on inspirational figures who made a difference in the lives of millions of people. Some are exceptionally famous, others are not, but in one way or another, they all shaped the world we live in now.

The books are roughly 100 pages each, and contain pictures, breakouts, and educational materials, and in several cases, are the first children’s books ever written about them. In other cases, they are the first child-friendly biographies to appear in years. Help your young reader learn more about these fascinating people!

The List So Far (Click the link to learn more and read sample chapters):

Mary Dyer, Friend of Freedom

Judy Garland: Little Woman, Big Talent

Pete Seeger, The People’s Singer (Coming April 21, 2015!)

Jim Thorpe, Athlete of the Century (Release Date TBA)

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